Not every idea becomes a campaign, in fact most are rejected, maimed, brutalized, and asked why they ever existed. This is a place for those ideas to live on. The ones that never stood a chance—but had some damn fine lines!

First up: Blue Apron. Knowing how to cook makes you a better host. Hard to argue with that.

CW: Ben Whipple AD: Unfortunately, Ben Whipple

Next Up: Whole Foods. The unspoken truth about grocery shopping? People are checking out more than the produce. Introducing: Whole Foods. Where connections are organic.

May have been off brand but it was definitely in season. We even advertised on dating apps.

Finally: Fender. Before I enlisted the talented Juli Rocha to help with mockups, I slapped together some crude OOH. At least I got a laugh out of Droga. Anyways, insight is pretty simple. Musicians didn’t dream of their day jobs, they wanted to be rockstars.

And this one really tugged at the heart strings.

Thanks for visiting. And don’t hire me to be your AD.